Para mas informacion en teoria, consulte el capitulo 4 de sistema de control moderno de Ogata.Archivo VI:
Para observar el diagrama de bloques, de mi programa, ingresar a la pestaña window->show block diagram
pronto pondre mas virtual instrument (VI) de labview.
y ¿que es labview? a investigar se dijo, pero de todas maneras les traigo la introduccion del tutorial que estudie.. ya proximamente se los paso, este internet mio esta super lento asi que en otra ocasion sera.
This is a course to introduce the students to LabView as a Data Acquisition (DAQ) and Analysis program. It is a product of a USA company called National Instruments (NI). LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) is a development environment based on graphical programming. LabVIEW uses terminology, icons, and ideas familiar to technicians, scientists, and engineers. LabVIEW relies on graphical symbols rather than text-based language to describe programming actions. LabView lends itself to a wide range of applications in science, education and industry. The scope of these applications varies from controlling a few instruments to monitoring assembly lines to test beam experiments in particle physics. In this course, students will follow step by step instructions to write programs first to become familiar with some of the basics of LabView. Then they will construct two simple DAQ setups utilizing LabView. Some debugging and DAQ system management utilities will be introduced at the end of the course.